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  • HITACHI Hi Vision Ascendus Ultrasound System
    HITACHI Hi 12,500,000
HITACHI Hi Vision Ascendus Ultrasound System > 의료기기

HITACHI Hi Vision Ascendus Ultrasound System 요약정보 및 구매

Certified Refurbished

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
시중가격 150,000,000원
판매가격 12,500,000원
브랜드 HITACHI Hi Vision
모델 Ascendus
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • HITACHI Hi Vision Ascendus Ultrasound System


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    상품 상세설명

    *배송비  =  개인 용달 착불 


    ** 기본 제시된 가격은 현금 가격임

    ** 자세한 사용법은  매뉴얼과 동영상들 참조 바랍니다.


    HITACHI Hi Vision Ascendus   = 950만원 


    -  Certified Refurbished

    -  EUP-C715 Convex Probe ( 1-5 MHz )

    -  EUP-L6S  Linear  Probe (  6-14 MHz)




    <추가 프로브>

    - 별도 문의 

    1-5MHz Sector: EUP-S70
    5-18MHz Linear: EUP-L6S

    comment*Function: PD, PW, CW, Elasto



    * 그외 심장 섹터등의  추가 프로브는 별도  문의 바랍니다.

    ** 초음파는  본체 외에  구성되는  프로브의 종류와 수량에  따라 가격이  상이합니다.

    * 초음파 프로브는  해당 진단영역에 따라  다양한  프로브들이 있습니다. 보다 정확한 영상을

    진단하실려면, 용도에  정확히 맞는  프로브로  진단하셔야 합니다. 

    * *그외  추가, 가감되는 프로브는 별도 문의 바람니다. 



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    A First Class ultrasound platform with uncompromised image quality.

    The HI VISION Ascendus is an ultrasound platform in a class of its own. No compromise in design and manufacture from us means no compromise in diagnosis for you.

    Fulfill your aspirations for a versatile, comprehensive and flexible ultrasound system. That delivers all round high performance imaging for all your diagnostic needs.

    This First Class platform features of Hitachi HI VISION Ascendus:

    • Proven, award winning ergonomic design. That incorporates a unique one-action adjustment of the liquid crystal display (LCD) viewing monitor and operator console
    • Hitachi’s Smart Touch Technology integrates controls within the viewing monitor to help increase efficiency. Intuitive scan parameter adjustment at your finger tips
    • All round high performance capability available from the extensive range of Hitachi transducers with rapid switching between up to four connected transducers
    • Enhanced contrast imaging sensitivity across a wide range of general abdominal and high frequency applications. With Hitachi’s dynamic Contrast Harmonic Imaging (dCHI) software
    • High performance imaging underpinned by new leading edge technologies such as 4D Real-time Tissue Elastography (RTE). Inflow-time mapping (ITM) of contrast agents
    • Flexible image archive and data transfer functions. Include multiple USB ports and the option to mask identification details to protect patient privacy.

    Realize your ambition for a first class ultrasound service with a first class ultrasound platform. Hitachi has made no compromises in the design and manufacture of the HI VISION Ascendus to give you high definition imaging, advanced technological functionality and optimized ergonomics in one all inclusive package.

    High Definition Imaging

    With an evolution in signal processing speed and spatial definition from the broadband engine architecture (UltraBE II) combined with Hitachi’s extensive range of high density transducers. The HI VISION Ascendus offers superlative image quality across the full range of diagnostic applications. Four active transducer ports allow rapid switching during and between examinations to maximise high definition diagnostic capability and facilitate efficient workflow.

    One-action Adjustment

    The HI VISION Ascendus platform is founded on an award-winning, ergonomic design. That incorporates a unique flexible one-action adjustment of the integrated liquid crystal display (LCD) image viewing monitor and operator console to comfortably adapt to all operator and patient position combinations.

    Expand your horizons

    Expert imaging modalities such as Real-time Tissue Elastography (RTE) and dynamic Contrast Harmonic Imaging (dCHI). These modalities complement the high definition imaging for improved diagnostic confidence and maximum therapeutic potential.

    Protect your investment

    The HI VISION Ascendus supports the latest leading edge technological innovations. 4D RTE and Inflow-time mapping (ITM) of contrast agents. Upgrades that can take your practice beyond the daily routine and enable you to solve even the most complex diagnostic dilemmas.

    Hitachi HI VISION Ascendus – Diagnostic Ultrasound System at Hitachi Official WebSite

    Suggested Examination bed

    Additional information

    WeightDimensionsEquipmentBrandConditionΜedical specialtyBasic functionsColoredDopplerObstetric functionsCardiac functionsRadiology functionsGynecology functionsType of examination 3D/4DDisplay technologyImage qualityScreen dimensionsTouch PanelConnectivityPrintingSystem PortabilityProbe portsEndoscopes


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    의료기기이기 때문에  위드벳은 보다 안전하고  확실한 배송을 위해  작은 물건들은 우체국 택배로만 보내며

    기본 배송료는 5,000원입니다. 

     그외 무거운 물건에 대한 추가 배송비는 위드벳에서  추가 부담합니다. 

    배송은 월,화,수,목요일 4일간 발송되며, 금,토,일은 발송이 불가합니다. 

    보다  무겁거나 파손이 우려되는 것은 경동화물 택배로만 보내며, 추가 배송비는  위드벳에서 부담합니다.

    그밖의 더 무겁고 파손우려(내시경 등등)가 있는 까다로운 장비들은 개별용달, 리프트 용달로  배송하며  착불이 기본입니다. 


    판매자의 과실이 아닌 경우, 모든 반품 및 A.S 비용은 구매자의 부담이며, 아래의 방식 대로  파손 없이 보내셔야  환불, 부분 환불이 가능합니다.

    1. 일반적인 작은 물건(파손위험 없는)  = 일반 택배 이용

    2. 파손우려가 있는 작은 물건(완충포장 잘해서)  =  우체국 택배나 경동택배 이용

    3. 그밖에 큰 물건, 파손 위험이 상당한 물건  = 개인 용달로만  받음

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선택된 옵션

  • HITACHI Hi Vision Ascendus Ultrasound System

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회사명 주식회사 위드벳 주소 경기도 이천시 백사면 청백리로89번길 75-24 (주) 위드벳 (사) 대한수의공학 연구소
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